Collect cash from the customer or, if they have chosen to pay by card or mobile money, simply watch the balance of your Gozem wallet grow.
Author: admin
Recharge your wallet and pay without cash
You have an in-app wallet that you can recharge via mobile money and save time. Why fuss with cash or change? Pay by wallet and keep moving.
Visit the shopping section and buy groceries or various other items
Gozem offers you a wide selection of items for ultimate convenience; simply order and have them delivered to you.
Order your desired vehicle
Tap a button and a driver will come pick you up in a moto-taxi, tuk-tuk, or car taxi and take you to where you want to go
All your services in one click
Easily access your transport, shopping, wallet or other needs when you open the app.
Gozem and Total Togo join forces
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Gozem and Total collaborate to offer cashless payments for drivers in Togo
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Gozem, Total Togo join forces to offer cashless fuel purchases
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Gozem, Togo’s motorcycle booking app, partners Total for cashless payments
Gozem, Togo’s motorcycle booking app, partners Total for services
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